NonStop Local Marketing & Sales

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What do your customers want to hear in your advertising?

While seemingly simple, we continually bring advertisers back to this question because they just can’t stop themselves.

Answer: Your target market does not want to hear what you want say.  They want to hear what THEY want to hear. How they will benefit from your product/service.

You could be a dentist with all the ivy league degrees, ADA credentials, and technology available.  And you are truly so talented that you want to show them your skills.  Terrific.  But no. On a commercial, people do NOT want to see the inside of someone else’s mouth. Besides dentists and hygienists, there isn’t a soul who enjoys that. 

What do they want?  They want to see a beautiful smile. It doesn’t matter how you did it – what matters is how they feel after you worked your magic. Remember you are speaking to the people who need you and your message should be so compelling that they want to pick up the phone to make an appointment.  Period. End of story. This article goes deeper.

“If you want more buyers, not any type of customers, but satisfied customers, you need to realign what you are saying with what they want to hear. This is not only talking about something that they want to hear but also doing what you talk and deliver on your talking promises. “ - (entrepreneurship|in|a|box)

People care about themselves. Tell them what you are going to do for them.  That’s it. Simple.

And by the way, they also watch the tv shows that they like. Not the tv shows you like.  You may be a big fan of program A.  therefore, you like to advertise on program A because you get to see your cool commercial.  Again, no.  They watch program B so you need to advertise on program B. You already call your office/store enough. The goal is to get them to call your office/store.

We can help.

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